Kameramann, Regisseur, Produzent und Autor zahlreicher Dokumentar – , TV – und Kinofilme
The ITT analysis (fixed dose studies) indicated superiority of sildenafil over placebo at all doses in terms of the main endpoints (Table 2). cialis online America, men share many similar views and misconceptions.
. Er ist emeritierter Professor an der Wiener Filmakademie und unterrichtet an diversen internationalen Filmhochschulen. Er ist Gründungsmitglied der Bartenbach Lichtakademie (Innsbruck) und Mitglied der Academy of Motion Pictures and Sciences. Für seine Kameraarbeit in “Das weiße Band” wurde er 2010 für den Oscar nominiert Der Eröffnungsfilm des INNSBRUCK film CAMPUS 2015 ist eine Dokumentation von Eva Testor über seine Arbeit.
Masterclass: Lichtblicke
Die Lichtphilosophie ist die Grundlage der Kinematographie von Christian Berger
. Anhand zahlreicher Beispiele wird er in seiner Masterclass “Bright Spots” seinen Umgang mit Licht in der Kameraarbeit vorstellen und diskutieren und dadurch erklären, wie er sein Cine Reflect Lighting System ( CRLS) entwickelt hat.Cinematographer, director, producer and author of numerous documentary, TV and cinema films. He is emeritus professor at the Vienna film academy and teaches masterclasses at several international film schools. He is founding member of the Bartenbach light academy (Innsbruck) and member of the Academy of Motion Pictures and Sciences
. For his camera work in „The White Ribbon“ he was nominated for the Oscar in 2010. The opening film of the INNSBRUCK film CAMPUS 2015 is a documentary about his work.
Masterclass: Bright Spots
Light philosophy is the basis of Christian Berger’s cinematography. Based on what we have seen in the documentary film about him, in his master class he will discuss his approach to light, how he has developed his Cine Reflect Lighting System CRLS and how he uses lighting in his camera work by use of several examples.